Friday, December 17, 2010

About anyone know if identification is req. to stay at salvation army homeless shelter in santa ana

Anyone know if identification is req. to stay at salvation army homeless shelter in santa ana?
my husband and i were at babtist church in buena park. we were just informed by a friend ,that ,while we are here at the library on line looking 4 work,the police showed up at the church and proceeded 2 throw 'ALL' of our belongings,and several other peoples belongings,into a truck and hauled it away2 destination unknown! All of our food ,clothes, jackets , bedding, toiletries,t.v.,dvd player,tools,my wheel chair and crutches,med. supplies.(i am handicapped) etc.,etc.So we are homeless ,out on the streets, no where2go,no way to get there, and the sun is going down! I am COLD now ! And its only going2get colder as nighttime comes. WE R IN URGENT NEED OF HELP AND SHELTER!! And time is not on our side.Would appreciate any asst. available/and or constructive suggestions!thank u kindly and GOD BLESS US ONE AND ALL!
Community Service - 1 Answers
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Each shelter is run differently, just go and find out yourself, if they can't help you they will know where you can go.
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

About A friend lives in an injunction area of Santa Ana Ca. A police officer was taking pictures of her house Legal

 A friend lives in an injunction area of Santa Ana Ca. A police officer was taking pictures of her house Legal?
When asked why? Police stated that someone the day before had reported someone coming out of her house with a weapon! This is impossible as she lives there alone and she was at work. She asked if someone was coming out of her house then why did they not come at that time and leave a card on her door as to what was happening? Myself and neighbor feel that this is harrassment because of an incident that happened down the street of a youth being beat up and arrested by police as a gang member during a sweep. The youth has never been in trouble or on probation and is not a gang member. But, they made an error and the neighborhood association made a ruckus about this youth whose employment and life was in jeopardy and blasted on t.v. during a press conference. We feel since she was the spokeperson for our group that she has been single out by the police. What can we do to ensure that they do not do the same thing to her?
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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1 :
Evidence. Taking pictures isn't an illegal act in itself. Next time a policeman comes into the area, photograph all his activity. Remember, Rodney King would not have brought down LA if it weren't for the pictures. By showing the cops that many in the neighborhood are monitoring their activities and documenting them, you can protect yourselves. You have proof in case the FBI is needed to investigate violations of your Civil Rights by law enforcement. Abusive cops can be put in prison, but you need the proof.
2 :
Taking pictures of a person's house is not illegal. Heck, if I wanted to, I could take my camera and take a picture of the house, car, or even the person! It is all legal!
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